Wednesday, June 9, 2010

In my childhood I could be mean to people when I didn't mean to be. I would call people names and push them around because they were smaller and weaker than me. Sometimes I might tell the teacher they did something wrong when it was me but they would believe me instead of them so they would get introuble instead of me. Now that I look back I realize that I shouldn't have done alot of the things that I did. In todays world its just a really big chain reaction. The biggest meanest kid picks on one kid and then that kid gets the idea that he should pick on someone. This just creates a big chain reaction and this is the reason why alot of bullys are the way they are today. Everyone has their own bully. Even if its their own brother. Somepeople like Doodle's brother because it reminds them of their selves in some way, because everyone has picked on atleast someone in their life. This is what my experience has showed me and why I have bullied others.

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