Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Working 43 hours a week and going to school 5 days a week really is tough. Its hard to be a senior in high school and not have time to go out with your friends on the weekend and be able to do all the things that they get to do. I can’t even play baseball for the school because I have to go to work and make money. During the summer when I’m not going to school I hope that I can be able to have a little more time to play and a little more time not working. Now that I’m getting ready to go to college I’m really going to have to start to get serious. I'll be moving out soon and having to support myself for the rest of my life. I hope to be very successful one day and raise my own family. When I’m in college I will have very little time to work. While I’m trying to pay off my financial aid loan I'm hopefully going to have a full time job as a police officer so it won't be that hard.

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