Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Josh Shaw English IV Blog

Odysseus and his men were sailing and landed on an island. Odysseus went to go investigate and found Aeolus. Aeolus was the god of wind and took all the wind except the western wind and put it in a bag. This way the wind would blow them straight home. When Odysseus got back to the boat he didn’t tell any one what was in the bag and all his men thought that he was trying to hide something good from them like gold. So when Odysseus fell asleep all his men were trying to open the bag and when they did all the wind blew out and shot them off course. They were so close that they could see there home Ithica.
I think that this was all of Odysseus’ men's fault. They should have had some trust in there leader and not have went behind his back and tried to open his bag. Odysseus should have told them what was in there but at the same time his men shouldn't have tried to go behind his back. Odysseus said he would show them when they got home. They just got impatient and went and opened up the bag.

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